Tyler Gibson and Katherine (Katie) Stasser

Meet Tyler & Katie

Tyler Gibson and Katherine (Katie) Stasser are a married couple based in South Florida. Between the two of them, they have over 20 years of aquaculture experience. They share a love for the ocean, and a passion for aquatic life. Their dedication to the aquaculture industry serves as their contribution to fisheries conservation.

Tyler has a B.S. degree in marine biology from UNC Wilmington and a M.S. degree in marine science from the UNCW Center for Marine Science. He has been working and consulting in the aquaculture industry for over 15 years. He has experience with RAS culture, system design and construction. He has also worked with pond, ocean cage, and flow-through systems for fish culture. He specializes in marine finfish aquaculture, but has also worked in live feed production, microalgae culture, and shrimp larviculture.

Katie Stasser has a B.S. in marine biology from UNC Wilmington, as well as an associate degree in marine technology from Cape Fear Community College. She has a wide range of aquaculture husbandry experience including warm and cold-water finfish larviculture, ornamental fish larviculture, shellfish, live feed production, and microalgae culture.

After years of working and managing aquaculture farms, Tyler and Katie decided to focus their careers on consulting to take their passion for aquaculture and share their expertise to help other farms achieve success.